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What type of information is an Issuer required to provide in its annual report?
What type of information is an Issuer required to provide in its annual report?
Updated over a week ago

An Issuers is required to provide the following information in its Form C-Annual Report:

  • Financial statements of the Issuer certified by the principal executive officer of the Issuer. If, however, an Issuer has available financial statements that have either been reviewed or audited by a public accountant that is independent of the Issuer, those financial statements must be provided and the certification by the principal executive officer will not be required;

  • The name, legal status (form of organization, jurisdiction of formation, date of organization), physical address, and website of the Issuer;

  • The names of all directors and officers of the Issuer, their respective positions, the period of time in which such persons served in such positions and their respective business experience for the last three (3) years, including (i) each person’s principal occupation and employment, including whether any officer is employed by another employer; and (ii) name and principal business of any corporation or other organization in which such occupation and employment took place.

  • The name of each person who is a beneficial owner of twenty percent (20%) or more of the Issuer’s outstanding voting equity securities;

  • A description of the business of the Issuer and the Issuer’s anticipated business plan;

  • The current number of employees of the Issuer;

  • A discussion of material risk factors;

  • A description of the ownership and capital structure of the Issuer;

  • A description of the material terms of any indebtedness of the Issuer;

  • A description of exempt offerings conducted by the Issuer within the past three (3) years;

  • Related party transactions within the last twelve (12) months; and

  • Whether the Issuer or any of its predecessors previously failed to comply with the ongoing reporting requirements of Reg. CF.

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